1. Cat Logic: Picture of a cat sitting in a cardboard box with the caption:
“Buys expensive cat bed, sleeps in box.”
2. Monday vs. Friday: A split-screen image comparing a person on Monday (looking tired and grumpy) versus the same person on Friday (energetic and smiling), with the caption: “Monday vs. Friday – The difference a few days can make.”
3. Zoom Meetings: Picture of someone dressed formally on top and wearing pajama bottoms, with the caption: “The official uniform of Zoom meetings.”
4. 404 Error: Image of a confused person staring at a “404 Page Not Found” error on their computer screen with the caption: “When you ask for directions in a foreign country and don’t speak the language.”
5. Distracted Boyfriend: A classic meme template showing a guy checking out another girl while his girlfriend looks on disapprovingly. Caption: “Me looking at my ‘To Do’ list when I’m supposed to be studying.”
6. Expectation vs. Reality: Side-by-side images comparing an elaborately decorated cake (expectation) with a hilariously botched attempt at replicating it (reality).
7. Social Distancing Fail: Picture of a crowded beach with people packed closely together, captioned: “Social distancing level: Expert.”
8. DIY Projects: Image of a perfectly executed Pinterest project next to a failed attempt with the caption: “Nailed it!”
9. Online Shopping: Picture of someone excitedly receiving a small package, then opening it to find an absurdly oversized item inside with the caption: “Expectation vs. reality of online shopping.”
10. Inspirational Quotes: Image of a majestic mountain landscape with the caption: “You miss 100% of the naps you don’t take. – Abraham Lincoln”